(S.S.T) History Chapter 1 (French Revolution) Class 9th NCERT (Important Dates)

AZ Academy Studies

  History Ch 1 French Revolution (Imp. Dates)

In this chapter we learn about the conditions of France during the 17th century and how the society was divided into three Estates i.e Clergy, Nobility and Commoners .

During this period Louis XVI of the Bourbon Family was the ruler this was in the 1774. France also helped some American Colonies to gain their independence from The British which made France to fall in a debt of a whopping amount of 2 Billion livres (Currency in France discontinued in 1794). The conditions pf the 3rd Estate was not  really good at that time later on after  the exploitations by the upper estates the common folks decided that there must  come a change i.e a Revolution. (this chapter's full explanation will be uploaded soon) Now some of the important dates of the French Revolution are:

1.  14 July 1789 (Paris was in the state of alert, The Starting of The Revolution)

2. 1715 - 1789 (Quick Population raise in France)

3. 1994 (livre was discontinued)

4. 1774 (Louis XVI became king)

5. 5 May 1789 (Proposal to pass the rule for new taxes)

6. 20 June 1789 ( National Assembly was Formed)

7. 4 August 1789 ( Feudal System was abolished, obligation on taxes, Clergy's were forced to give up on their privileges , Church's Land was confiscated and a total of assets worth over 2 Billion livres was acquired.

8. 1791 (The draft of the constitution of 1791 was made by the National Assembly))

9. April 1792 (The national assembly declared a war against Purssia and Austria

10. 21 September 1792 (France became Republic and abolished Monarch)

11. 21 January 1793 ( Louis XVI was sentenced to death)

12. 1793 - 1794 (Reign of Terror)

13. July 1794 ( Robespierre was arrested and was sent for Gullotine)

14. 1946 (Women were given the right to vote)

15. 1794 ( Slavery was abolished)

16. 1848 (Slavery was again abolished)

17. 1804 (Napoleon crowned himself as the king of France)

18.1614 (Last Time Estates General was called)

19. 1815 (Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated at waterloo)

This was all the important dated during the French Revolution and this chapter's summary will also be uploaded soon. And if you have any question regarding this please feel free to ask us in the comments.

Thank You

-AZ Academy Studies


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