Class 9th Ch-5 In The Happy Prince (Moments) NCERT Solutions

AZ Academy Studies

The Happy Prince NCERT Solutions

In this chapter we get to know about The Happy Prince and a swallow, The Happy Prince was a statue situated  in the middle of town his body was covered in gold leaves and had two sapphires as his eyes and he also had a ruby in the hilt of his sword, Now we'll discuss the NCERT Solutions for Ch-5 The Happy Prince (Moments):

  • Think About It

Question 1: Why do the courtiers call the prince ‘the Happy Prince’? Is he really happy? What does he see all around him?

Answer: 'The Happy Prince' was a beautiful statue. The courtiers called him happy because he always remained happy and there was no sorrow in his palace when he was alive. But after his death he is not happy at all. He sees misery of people around him . This makes him sad. He wants to do something for them to make them happy.

Question 2: Why does the Happy Prince send a ruby for the seamstress? What does the swallow do in the seamstress’ house?

Answer: The Seamstress' little son is ill. The son wants oranges. But the seamstress has no money to buy oranges. So the Happy Prince sends a ruby to help her, The swallow drops the ruby in the house of the seamstress and waves his wings around her son to comfort him.

Question 3: For whom does the prince send the sapphires and why?

Answer: The Happy Prince sends a sapphire for a young play wright. He has to finish a play for the Director of the theatre but he can't do so as there is no fire in the garret. He is hungry as well. He is fainting due to it. He also sends a sapphire for the matchgirl, All of her  matches had fallen in the gutter.

Question 4: What does the swallow see when it flies over the city?

Answer: When the swallow flies over the city, he sees the rich merry in this beautiful house and beggars sitting at their gates. He sees the white faces of the hungry children. He also sees a watchman asking hungry boys to run away.

Question 5: Why did the swallow not leave the prince and go to Egypt?

Answer: The swallow did what the Happy Prince had told him to do. He took out the sapphires from the statue of The Prince. He went blind due to this, so he could not see. The swallow did not want to leave the Prince with his blindness so he didn't go to Egypt.

Question 6: What are the precious things mentioned in the story? Why are they precious?

Answer:  The 2 precious things are:

The heart of The Happy Prince and the dead swallow. They are precious because they have understood the misery of the people, they have also helped them. They sacrificed themselves for the sake of other people. To help other is the most precious thing in the world.

These were the NCERT Solutions for Ch-5 The Happy Prince (Moments).

Thank You

-AZ Academy Studies

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